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ML Observability: The Key to Ensuring the Success of Your Machine Learning Models

Updated: Sep 13, 2023

Introduction to ML Observability

Machine learning (ML) is becoming increasingly important in a wide range of industries, from healthcare to finance to retail. However, for ML models to be successful, they need to be monitored and maintained. This is where ML Observability comes in.

ML Observability is the practice of collecting and analysing data about ML models in order to understand how they are performing and identify any potential problems. This data can include things like model predictions, input data, and metrics such as accuracy and precision.

ML Observability

What is ML Observability?

ML Observability is the practice of collecting and analyzing data about machine learning (ML) models in order to understand how they are performing and identify any potential problems. This data can include things like model predictions, input data, and metrics such as accuracy and precision.

By collecting and analysing this data, ML engineers can identify and fix problems with models before they impact the business. They can also use this data to improve the performance of models over time. ML Observability is important because it helps to ensure the reliability and effectiveness of ML models. It can also help to identify and address bias in ML models.

Why is ML Observability important?

ML Observability is important for a number of reasons, including:

  • Ensuring the reliability and effectiveness of ML models: ML models are complex and can be difficult to understand. By collecting and analysing data about ML models, ML engineers can identify and fix problems before they impact the business. They can also use this data to improve the performance of models over time.

  • Identifying and addressing bias in ML models: ML models can be biased, which can lead to unfair or inaccurate predictions. By collecting and analysing data about ML models, ML engineers can identify and address bias.

  • Improving the transparency of ML models: ML models are often black boxes, which means that it is difficult to understand how they make decisions. By collecting and analysing data about ML models, ML engineers can make these models more transparent and explain why they make certain predictions.

  • Compliance with regulations: In some industries, such as healthcare and finance, there are regulations that require ML models to be monitored and maintained. By collecting and analysing data about ML models, ML engineers can ensure that they are compliant with these regulations.

Overall, ML Observability is an essential practice for ensuring the success of ML models. By collecting and analysing data about ML models, ML engineers can identify and fix problems, improve the performance of models, and make them more transparent. Here are some specific benefits of ML Observability:

  • Reduced risk of model failure: By monitoring models for problems, ML engineers can identify and fix issues before they cause the model to fail. This can prevent financial losses, customer dissatisfaction, and other negative consequences.

  • Improved model performance: By analysing data about model performance, ML engineers can identify ways to improve the model's accuracy, precision, and other metrics. This can lead to better decision-making and improved business outcomes.

  • Increased model transparency: By making it easier to understand how models work, ML Observability can help to build trust with stakeholders. This is especially important in regulated industries, such as healthcare and finance.

  • Reduced costs: By preventing model failures and improving model performance, ML Observability can help to reduce costs associated with ML projects.

Overall, ML Observability is a valuable investment that can help organisations to get the most out of their ML models.

The pillars of ML Observability are:

  • Data collection: The first step in ML Observability is to collect data about the ML model and its environment. This data can include things like the model's predictions, the input data it was trained on, and the metrics it is being evaluated on.

  • Data analysis: Once the data is collected, it needs to be analyzed to identify any potential problems. This analysis can be done using a variety of tools and techniques, such as statistical analysis, machine learning, and visualization.

  • Root cause analysis: Once potential problems have been identified, they need to be investigated to determine the root cause. This can be a difficult task, but it is essential to fixing the problem.

  • Remediation: Once the root cause of the problem has been identified, it needs to be fixed. This may involve retraining the model, changing the input data, or making other changes to the environment.

Challenges of ML Observability

ML Observability is a complex and challenging task, but it is essential for ensuring the success of ML models. By collecting, analysing, and acting on data about ML models, ML engineers can improve the performance of their models and prevent them from failing.

  • Data drift: Data drift is the change in the distribution of the data that a model is trained on over time. This can cause the model to become less accurate, as it is no longer learning from the same data distribution. There are two types of data drift:

    • Feature drift: This is when the distribution of the features in the data changes. For example, if a model is trained on data about customer purchases, and the distribution of products that customers purchase changes, then the model may become less accurate at predicting future purchases.

    • Label drift: This is when the distribution of the labels in the data changes. For example, if a model is trained on data about whether or not a loan application is approved, and the approval rate changes, then the model may become less accurate at predicting whether or not future loan applications will be approved.

  • Model bias: Model bias is the tendency of a model to make predictions that are systematically unfair or inaccurate. This can be caused by a variety of factors, such as the way the data is collected or the way the model is trained. There are two main types of model bias:

    • Training data bias: This is when the data that the model is trained on is biased. For example, if a model is trained on data about customer purchases, and the data is biased towards male customers, then the model may be biased against female customers.

    • Algorithmic bias: This is when the way the model is trained or designed introduces bias. For example, if a model is trained to predict whether or not a loan application will be approved, and the model uses a feature that is correlated with race, then the model may be biased against people of color.

  • Explainability: Explainability is the ability to understand why a model makes a particular prediction. This can be difficult to achieve, as ML models are often complex and their decision-making process is not always clear. There are a number of different techniques for explaining ML models, but no single technique is perfect.

These are just some of the challenges of ML Observability. There are many other challenges, and the challenges will vary depending on the specific ML model and application. However, by understanding these challenges, ML engineers can better design and implement ML Observability solutions.

Additional things to consider when addressing the challenges of ML Observability:
  • The complexity of ML models: ML models are becoming increasingly complex, which makes them more difficult to monitor and understand.

  • The volume and velocity of data: ML models are often trained on large datasets, which can make it difficult to collect and analyse all of the data.

  • The cost of ML Observability: ML Observability solutions can be expensive, which can be a barrier for some organisations.

Despite these challenges, ML Observability is an essential practice for ensuring the success of ML models. By collecting and analysing data about ML models, ML engineers can identify and fix problems before they impact the business. They can also use this data to improve the performance of models over time.

Tools and Techniques for ML Observability:

Logging and metrics: Logging and metrics are the foundation of ML Observability. Logging refers to collecting data about the model's predictions, input data, and metrics such as accuracy and precision. Metrics refer to summarising this data into meaningful measures. This data can then be used to identify problems with the model, such as data drift or model bias.

Some popular logging and metrics tools include:

Anomaly detection: Anomaly detection is the process of identifying data points that are outside of the normal range. This can be used to identify problems with the model, such as data drift or model bias. There are a number of different techniques for anomaly detection, such as statistical methods and machine learning algorithms.

Some popular anomaly detection tools include:

Explainability tools: Explainability tools are used to understand why a model makes a particular prediction. This can be helpful for identifying and addressing bias in the model, as well as for explaining the model's predictions to stakeholders. There are a number of different explainability tools available, such as feature importance, decision trees, and SHAP values.

Some popular explainability tools include:

Here are some additional tools and techniques for ML Observability:

  • Model monitoring: Model monitoring is the process of continuously monitoring the model for problems. This can be done by collecting and analysing data about the model's predictions, input data, and metrics. Model monitoring can help to identify problems early on, before they cause the model to fail.

  • Root cause analysis: Root cause analysis is the process of identifying the underlying cause of a problem. This can be done by investigating the data collected by the model monitoring tools. Root cause analysis can help to identify the best way to fix the problem.

  • Remediation: Remediation is the process of fixing a problem with the model. This may involve retraining the model, changing the input data, or making other changes to the environment.

It is important to note that ML Observability is an ongoing process. As ML models are used and updated, the data that is collected will change. ML engineers need to be constantly monitoring the data and adjusting the observability solution as needed. By using the right tools and techniques, ML engineers can ensure that their ML models are reliable, effective, and transparent. This can help to improve the quality of the decisions that are made using ML models, and it can also help to build trust with stakeholders.

Best practices for ML Observability:

  • Design for observability from the start: ML Observability should be designed into the model from the start. This means collecting the right data, using the right tools, and designing the model in a way that makes it easy to monitor.

  • Collect the right data: The data that is collected is essential for ML Observability. The data should include information about the model's predictions, input data, and metrics. It is also important to collect data about the environment in which the model is running.

  • Use the right tools: There are a number of different tools available for ML Observability. The right tools will depend on the specific ML model and application. However, some common tools include logging and metrics tools, anomaly detection tools, and explainability tools.

  • Monitor continuously: The model should be monitored continuously for problems. This means collecting and analysing data about the model on a regular basis. By monitoring continuously, problems can be identified early on, before they cause the model to fail.

  • Investigate anomalies: When anomalies are detected, they should be investigated to identify the underlying cause. This can be done by investigating the data collected by the monitoring tools. By investigating anomalies, the root cause of the problem can be identified and fixed.

  • Remediate problems: When problems are identified, they should be fixed as quickly as possible. This may involve retraining the model, changing the input data, or making other changes to the environment.

  • Communicate with stakeholders: Stakeholders should be kept informed about the status of the model. This includes communicating about problems that are identified, as well as about the progress that is being made in fixing the problems. By communicating with stakeholders, trust can be built and the risk of problems can be minimised.

These are some of the best practices for ML Observability. By following these practices, ML engineers can ensure that their ML models are reliable, effective, and transparent. Here are some additional things to consider when implementing ML observability best practices:

  • The complexity of the ML model: The complexity of the ML model will affect the amount of data that needs to be collected and the tools that need to be used.

  • The volume and velocity of data: The volume and velocity of data will affect the way that the data is collected and analyzed.

  • The cost of ML Observability: The cost of ML bservability will depend on the tools and techniques that are used.

By considering these factors, ML engineers can design and implement ML Observability solutions that are effective and efficient.


  • ML Observability is the practice of collecting and analysing data about machine learning (ML) models in order to understand how they are performing and identify any potential problems. This data can include things like model predictions, input data, and metrics such as accuracy and precision.

  • ML Observability is important because it helps to ensure the reliability and effectiveness of ML models. It can also help to identify and address bias in ML models.

Are you struggling to ensure the reliability and effectiveness of your machine learning models?

If so, you need ML Observability. ML Observability is the practice of collecting and analysing data about machine learning models in order to understand how they are performing and identify any potential problems.

With ML Observability, you can:

  • Identify and fix problems with your models before they impact your business.

  • Improve the performance of your models over time.

  • Address bias in your models.

  • Make your models more transparent to stakeholders.

Dr. Pinnacle can help you implement ML Observability. We have a deep understanding of ML Observability and the challenges that organisations face in implementing it. We have a proven track record of success in helping organisations implement ML Observability solutions.

Contact us( today to learn more about how we can help you implement ML Observability

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